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Memory Fail Book

eBook Version is Available

A Best-Selling
Book by
Linda Loprasert

Memory Fail, front cover.jpg

Memory Fail: Synopsis

Memory Fail is a memoir, which describes Linda’s cancer journey in detail from pre-diagnosis, diagnosis, treatment through to post treatment. Included is a section titled “memory fail”, a phrase Linda has coined to describe the memory problems she experienced as a result of her brain tumour. In this chapter, Linda describes, in detail the ‘memory fail’s’ she had before treatment, during treatment, after treatment, through to current day. Memory Fail is a candid, true story of what it is like to have brain cancer.

Linda’s goal in publishing Memory Fail is to share her experience with current brain cancer patients, those in remission and their families, to demonstrate the impacts of brain cancer on every aspect of life, and most importantly, to show that there is hope, and that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

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In the press

In the media

Author of Memory Fail, Linda Loprasert is an advocate in the brain cancer space. Linda spoke with That's Life magazine, as well as The Daily Mail and the Love Heals Cancer you tube channel about her brain cancer journey, offering a beacon of hope for current cancer patients, those in remission, and their friends and families.


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